
Counterfeitproducts within the fashion industry pose various damaging effects on bothconsumers and businesses. Not only do counterfeit products deceive consumersinto purchasing low-quality items at high prices, but they also undermine thereputation and profitability of legitimate fashion brands. Additionally, thesale of counterfeit goods contributes to a thriving black market economy,resulting in lost tax revenue for governments and funding criminal activities.

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Counterfeitmedicines have significant and severe effects on individuals' health,pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare systems. With Ownify's verificationtechnology, these counterfeit medicines can be easily detected and preventedfrom reaching the market.

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Cosmetics and perfume

Healthrisks, damage to brand reputation, undermining consumer confidence in onlinemarketplaces, and loss of revenue are some of the many outcomes of the spreadof counterfeit cosmetics and perfume products in the global market.

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Keepingwineries informed about their final customers is one of the industry's biggestchallenges. Wineries face a lack of data regarding consumers, including theiridentity, specific wine preferences, wine consumption frequency, and theirbrand loyalty level.

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